Montelobos Mezcal Espadín, 750ml
Mezcal is a uniquely Mexican spirit. Known for its smoky flavors, mezcal has intriguing and mysterious variations in taste depending on the type of agave, terroir and production methods used. It is ancestral, inherently artisanal and has been around for at least 500 years.
Montelobos Espadín is a meticulously crafted, perfectly balanced artisanal mezcal made to explore and celebrate all the abundant flavors of the best-quality organic agave. Our piñas, always free of herbicides and pesticides, are harvested and then roasted in an underground fire pit filled with volcanic stone for 4-5 days. This is
what gives Montelobos mezcal its distinctive smoky flavor. Next, the roasted piñas are crushed under the weight of a traditional tahona wheel. The agave is then left in open-air pine vats to ferment. Once fermented, the liquid is
distilled twice in copper stills. That way, we obtain Montelobos Espadín, a strikingly balanced mezcal.
Savor the distinctive taste of cooked and fresh agave, honey citrus, nuts and subtle smoke. Enjoy our Montelobos Espadín neat or on the rocks or in your favorite cocktails.